How to stay Inspired

I sometimes find myself seeking inspiration and like I have a difficult time connecting actual things to feeling inspired. I was doing yoga the other day and started writing out a list of things that I use to inspire or motivate me. Sometimes it’s just nice to have a little list of tips and tricks that I know will give me something to hold onto.

Here are some small ways I find inspiration:

Notes from The Universe: I have been getting these for probably a year now and I am obsessed. it’s super simple, involves literally no work on my behalf. All you do is fill out the information from the website (linked above) and then check your email each morning. It’s something that I actually look forward to reading, it’s kind of like a little note (duh) with some kind and inspiring words. Plus, it’s free!

Phone lock screen: I like to change my lock screen on my phone to little affirmations, or quote that I feel resonate with me at each season. I usually go on Pinterest and scan through my saved board with quotes, and save a few to put as my lock screen. Currently, mine says “today, I have the power to change my story”. And actually, I might change that tonight!

Little notes: I like to write myself little notes or love letters. I’ll write out an affirmation or a little phrase about my intention for the day or week. I’ll sometimes write out what I am grateful for, or a confidence boosting statement like “I am capable”. This one is super easy. I’ll write it out, fold it up and take it with me to work or even put it in my wallet to read for when I am feeling down or overwhelmed.

Selective Social Media: Obviously, we all spend a lot of time on our phones, but we may well make it meaningful. I’m gonna link some of my favorite IG accounts to follow for all things self-love, spirituality, self-care, yoga, and wellness. PS. if you don’t follow me on IG check it out!

Yoga Girl

Sarah Nicole


Marissa Lace

Meagan Moon

Empowerpuff Gurl

Kalyn Nicholson

Erin Ireland

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